[Dev Note] July Developer's Notes
Dear Shiltzians,
It is with great pleasure to introduce the Dev Notes for July.
Immerse yourself in what we are preparing for you: upcoming updates, new dungeon, and more!
But, before feeding up your curiosity, we'd like you to participate in the following prizes:
- 1x Released Einhorn's XG - Weapon Box
- 1x Einhorn's Mythril XG - Armor Box
- 1x Random Costume Box_B
- 1x *50* Card Collector's Honorable Ticket (Total Fame: 30,000)
- 1x Transcendence Sapphire
**Facebook Event**
In order to participate for them, you need to:
1. Like this post.
2. IMPORTANT: Mention feedback regarding these Dev Notes, what you think, and what you'd like to suggest for further improvements.
3. Share this post in Public Mode.
4. Tag 2 friends.
5. Attach your IGN & Server.
- Event runs from July 08th until July 15th.
- Rewards will be supplied up to July 16th.
- A total of 5 Shiltzians will come out from the raffle.
- Only one prize per player.
*Here you can read the details of this Dev Notes:
Love Seal!
Seal B.O.D Team^^