Seal WHAT the FUN X Seal Online B.O.D

Dear Shiltzians,

Guess what...
[Early Access] for Seal WHAT the FUN is available now!
And we are presenting a quite irresistibe event between both games.

[Event #01]: «Seal Online B.O.D.» X «Seal: WHAT the FUN» - Cross Event
1. Acquire Seal WTF on its Early Access:
2. Register your purchase on this form:

[Reward #01]
- You will receive an EXCLUSIVE SURPRISE directly on your Seal Online B.O.D account.
Plus, we're making a big raffle as follows resulting in 3 Winners:
- Transcendence Sapphire x1
- [Fly] Pet Box - 7th Stage.G x2

[Event #01 Rules]
- Event runs from May 3rd until June 2nd.
- All players who acquire Seal WHAT the FUN shall receive the exclusive surprise after the event ends.
- Raffle Winners will be announced on June 05th.
- Make sure to fill up the form correctly with all the requested information in order to avoid any disqualification.

[Event #02]: Share & Comment
1. Share this post in public mode.
2. Tag 2 friends in your comment.
3. Leave the following message in the comment section of this post: Seal WHAT the FUN early access has begun!
4. Attach your IGN & Server.

[Reward #02]
All comments will participate in a raffle for:
20x Lucky Rascal Coins & 20x Golden Chest Keys.

[Event #02 Rules]
Event runs from May 3rd until May 9th.
- Up to 5 Raffle Winners.
- Dummy accounts won't be considered.
- Prizes will be supplied up to May 10th.
- Make sure to meet all requisites to participate to avoid any disqualification.
- Our GM Staff will run strict filters to determine legit winners.

Love Seal!
Seal B.O.D Team^^