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Cear Shiltzians,

Last year, we just reached a decade of adventures together, a decade filled with countless memories forged within the vibrant world of Seal Online: Blades of Destiny. We wouldn't be here celebrating this milestone without your unwavering support. From your epic battles to your heartwarming moments of camaraderie, you, the players, are the heart and soul of this game. Now, for this 11th Anniversary, we'd like to present the activities that will be carried out during this special time as follows.....

Celebration Events

Starting on June 4th

11th Anniversary System Event
Until July 2nd
login event
Until June 18th
lucky rascal coin update
Until July 2nd

Starting on June 18th

Golden chest update
until July 16th

11th Anniversary Gifts

Commemoration Presents

Many presents are being given away to celebrate 11 great years together!

June 4th — July 2nd

(After maintenance) (Before maintenance)

All accounts who log in during the event period will receive thease presents:

  • Founder's 11th Anniversary Gift (Accessory)
  • [Untradeable] Hyper Rascal Rabbit - Drop 300% (7 days) x1
  • [Untradeable] Hyper Rascal Rabbit - EXP 300% (7 days) x1
  • Fishing EXP (8 Hours) (Untradeable) x20
  • [Untradeable] Premium Vendor (7 Days) x1
  • [Untradeable] Damage Weapon Shape Scroll (7 Days) x1
  • B.P Blessing of Gaius (1 Day) (Untradeable) x5


  • Anniversary Presents will be supplied to the Cash Bank. Players, can drag them into their intended character's inventory. All these items are non-tradeable.
  • We strongly ask for players' wisdom in order for them to decide which character will receive them as any mismanagement on this regard won't be matter of assistance.
  • Gifts are only given once per account during the indicated period shown above, when logging the first character.
  • You must log in to receive the gifts. -In order to receive them, you must have at least one Level 200 character within the Account.
  • In case you don't have any Level 200 character, gifts won't be able to be received. Once you reach this level, please re-log to receive them.

11th Anniversary Buffs

Several buffs are being applied!


  • EXP Increase x3
  • DROP Rate x2
  • SEAL Roadmap EXP x1.5
  • Daily Quest EXP Á FAME x2
  • Stone Dismantle x3
  • Samael's Fortress of Madness Entries x2
  • Fishing Boost SOEED x2, EXP x3

